Various photo reports from 2007 and earlier years

Building of Health Centre in the new village started up in February 2007

From the new health Centre From the new health Centre  

There will be 27 beds in two rooms and the opening is expected to be June - July 2007


Staff meeting is a useful communication and strengthening tool for team work

(On 9.October in the dining hall)



Machine to Kuron for road upgrading and other projects

Water pumping by use of windmill - October 2006

Click for enlarged photo

The master plan for Lorrisotogo (the new village)

See a larger photo by clicking on the photo above

Peace Village online on Internet from June 2006

Use of computers for surfing on Internet and communication on e-mail is now possible over satelite. 5 laptops are available in the Internet Café.

Bishop Taban is now thankfully enjoying his new car on his frequent travels to Kuron.

From handower in Nairobi
on 31st March 2006

Adult Literacy's cooking and baking course in Kuron - March 06

Sr. Jane Onzia from
Arua - Uganda conducted a baking and cooking course for a group of women in March 13th - 17th March 2006.

From Adult Literacy class in Kuron

Teachers are Teresa and Sr. Betty 

From the visit of a Norwegian youth group - March 06

A class from Borgund Folk High School in Norway visited Kuron 11th - 13th March.

From Silver Jubilee in February 06

Report from Emeritus Bishop Paride Taban's Silver Jubilee as Bishop will follow very soon. We are publishing some few photos from the celebrations in Kuron.

The the first seminar in Holy Trinity Peace Village in April 05

Emeritus Bishop Paride Taban conducted the first community develoment seminar in Kuron in two sessions. The first session was attended by 23 people from various tribes in Eastern Equatoria: Topasas 11, Murle 3, Madi 5, Acholi 1, Lotuka 1 and Ugandans 2. This seminar was a double session over three weeks for change agents on community development and sensitation. The second part of this seminar took place in November. Some photos from this first seminar here.

The animator Anthony Kilonga from Matchakos

and some of the topics on their agenda
